Katarapko Creek access update – 2019

(Look here for a Katarapko Creek 2020 Update) Note that campsite numbering has changed since this blog was written.

What's happening at Katarapko?

Works are currently being conducted along parts of Katarapko Creek to construct a blocking bank, regulatory structures and a better access road. It is anticipated to finish on June 5th.   This project is part of SARFIIP and is part of the Basin Plan. The project aims to “enable the Pike and Katarapko floodplains to be sufficiently inundated with relatively modest water flows of 10,000 – 15,000 ML/day to South Australia. The same level of inundation would otherwise only occur with much higher flows of 70,000 – 80,000 ML/day.” *

What does this mean for you?  There are long term benefits of improved ecology, but there are also short term implications while the works are in progress :  Access by car to parts of the park, is restricted. Campsites 2-17 of the Katarapko Creek Section, and the areas around them are a restricted zone, and some machinery noise can be heard in the area. A map here gives more information

The good news

The good news is that:

  1. Katarapko Creek is still open for kayaking, and is still a great overnight kayaking trip.
  2. Campsites 18 –39 are still open and bookable online.
  3. If you wish to camp sooner than reaching campsite 18 – you can camp on Katarapko Island (anywhere) or Clarks Sandbar (the first 30m from the river is public land)
  4. You can still portage around the Stone Weir (most easily done on the right when travelling downstream) however you are requested not to wander around there – simply portage and move on.
  5. When the project is completed even more wonderful paddling trails will be available during managed inundations – stay tuned!

What else do I need to be aware of?

  1. Flows in adjoining creeks – Eckerts, Wide Waters, The Splash will vary during this time and may occasionally become too challenging for inexperienced paddlers – please check with us if you’re planning a trip along them.
  2. Vehicle access is still possible along Eckert Creek, at the Wide Waters, and on The Splash 300m past the Katarapko Section information bay.
  3. During the construction of the blocking bank, Sawmill Creek is closed and Jarrett Creek will not have sufficient flow for paddling.

Kym Werner.

Canoe Adventures – Riverland


0421 167 645


* (Ref - https://www.naturalresources.sa.gov.au/files/sharedassets/sa_murray-darling_basin/water/2016-sarfiip-faq-may-v2-gen.pdf)